
..but just for a little

Well, lo and behold, my spirit has arisen like a phoenix from the ashes. And doesn't it always..

I guess I should just accept these things. These aspects of life. Looking back (a couple days later), as real as those feelings were, as real as they always are, they now seem both petty and mundane. It happens from time to time and perhaps they are inescapable. But I'm glad that I have such great turnaround time for these bouts of nihil, around two or so days.

Well, I guess I'll set my sights once again back to higher heights ..like schoolwork (isn't it great to have consistency in life).


it's quiet..

I've been working like a dog ever since this semester started. Between that project course rearing its ugly head and the part-time job parasitizing my time, I've been going to school right at 8:30 and getting home after 9 consistently almost everyday. And, it's totally fine. All this busyness is ok: I'm working towards something, pushing my limits in the hopes that it will help me somehow in the obscure future.

Today, however, I found myself taking it substantially easier than most. Chose not to wake up on time so I got the lounge around 'til 11 at home. Got downtown, intended to work, but only to have a gigantic line-up for the computers. Well, didn't wanna wait so I just left. But as I was stopped at the light, thinking of where the closest public computer was, I bumped into someone familiar.
"Screw it, I never bump into this guy and I have to go soon anyway."
So we just hung out for a bit. The night before someone whom I hadn't spoken with for a long time wanted to have lunch so we had just arranged for the next day since we were both free. So, got to catch up with him. Super.

Well after that, I just went to class til 7 and did some work at the library 'til 9, as usual. But, now, I sit here and it's.. ever so quiet. I know that when I arise tomorrow, I will be "on" for the whole day again. But, this present silence unnerves me ever so slightly (terribly). I don't want that cursed void to come back. But, I fear that despite whatever thrashing or clawing I may attempt, I will be dragged back into that darkness where I will cower, where I will be forced to come once again and confront those futile questions, those damned futile contentions with existence.

..and it malingers.

Maybe this is why I'm ok with being busy all the time.